We are Redefining “Farm-Raised”

Salmon and trout that are found at the supermarkets are shipped in frozen, usually overseas or from large indoor operations with crowded fish and low quality feed. The fish often live in plastic pools fed recycled water with aerators under fluorescent lighting.

Our trout are raised in a 1930s gravity-fed earth-pond system that is supplied water by a covered artesian spring only 200 feet from the ponds. The water that feeds the system runs at 1000 gallons a minute and is connected to one of the healthiest streams in Virginia according to Hollins University Biologists.

Because the water runs clean and cold year round, these trout are the freshest tasting fish you will find locally. We supplement them with a clean high quality ration containing a blend of non-gmo whole grains and wild caught marine by-product. These trout, however, also feed on the many flies, nymphs and bugs in the natural pond system that rests right beneath the shining sun.

Our trout are never treated with antibiotics or chemicals. Instead, they are carefully moved frequently and stocked in low densities. Our hatchery operates as close to nature as possible and it is evident in the delicious, buttery flavor and delicate texture of the fish.


Other hatcheries:

🚫 Use recycled water

🚫 Regularly pump liquid oxygen

🚫 Use antibiotics to mitigate disease and infection

🚫 Usually raise fish indoors under florescent lighting

🚫 Overcrowd containers and raceways, physically harming the fish

Our trout are:

✅ Michelin-Quality

✅ Live in fresh, mountain spring water

✅ Never treated or exposed to chemicals or antibiotics

✅ Raised outdoors with full exposure to sunlight

✅ Eat bugs and vertebrates that grow in the water

✅ Supplemented with the best quality feed we have been able to source

✅ Appropriately stocked to ensure health of the water and fish


Wildlife Conservation


Normalize Eating Real Food